With each new course, I have grown to appreciate my colleagues and the many ways that they help me learn within each course. There are some that I turn to when I am unsure of exactly which angle I should take in answering questions. There are others to who provide so much valuable insight from perspectives I may not have otherwise considered. With each new class, I feel like I have grown to know you all personally to some extent.
To my colleagues, we've reached our adjourning phase, I wish you all much success in all that you do. For many of us, we have a lot on our plates. We’re working full time jobs, with families that depend on us and so many other things that are required of us, but we are almost at the finish line. I have faith that everyone will successfully complete this program and continue to live out their dreams.
Continue to positively impact the children that you encounter, because in many cases, we are all these children have!! Take care and be blessed!
ReplyDeleteAs we have learned, everyone brings something to the proverbial table. It is up to us to recognize the strengths in each others and collaborate for the best. It is good that you were able to learn from your colleagues and also to help others to learn as well. Keep shining the light to all those children and their families and the other professionals that you will be privileged to work with.
Success to you.