Friday, June 24, 2016

When I think of research…

I think of all that it entails. Research is essential in understanding the world around us. There has been limitless amounts of research completed to date, but I am now able to better understand the process and the efforts needed to complete a successful research study.
The planning stage is one of the longest processes within a study because there is so much that goes into it. It is important that researchers are clear in their overall goal or purpose for research and develop a research design that will ensure that the study is valid.
The significance of planning is what has stood out to me most and will stick with me in my own research. I have come to realize that though the planning stage can be tedious, and in some cases overwhelming, it is the most beneficial to the study. A researcher can save themselves time and money if they are thorough in their planning.  At this point in the study, one can detect any issues that may arise and strategize solutions to quickly resolve those issues.

To the members of my Building Research Competency Course, thank you for your participation throughout the course. Through your discussion posts, blogs and responses, I have had to push harder and dig deeper within myself for my own personal understanding. Though difficult at times, I am thankful that this is yet another class under my belt. I’m sure I will encounter you guys again at some point or another as we continue our journey in completing our program. Take care and be blessed!!

1 comment:

  1. I agree with you that the planning phases is definitely the longest phase! It is a very important part of research however. I am thankful for all that we have been able to learn about research in this course. I did not realize all of the work and effort that went into research. I wish you the best of luck in your future!
