Saturday, July 16, 2016

Perpectives on Diversity and Culture

Interviewee #1: To me, culture is your way of life, your traditions and values that are instilled in you when growing up. It is all you learn and share such as beliefs, knowledge, values, attitudes, behavior, and language.
Diversity is a mixture of people that represent cultures, color, religion, etc. It is also having knowledge that each person is unique and recognizing each others differences.

Interviwee #2: Culture is how you were brought up. Its how you were raised within the community.

Your diversity is interacting with different culture.

Interview#3: Culture is composed of our traditions and our beliefs. Our culture is how we view the world and in many cases how the world views us.

Diversity is the representation of the differences among cultures.

After interviewing everyone, I came across the reoccurring idea that culture is multifaceted and complex. Culture is deeper than ones physical characteristics may portray. In reference to diversity, I recieved the common message that diversity and culture goes hand in hand. Diversity encompasses our differences.

As I spoke to the interviewees, my own ideas of culture and diversity were only made more concrete.

1 comment:

  1. Hi,

    I noticed that when I interviewed people they also thought beyond the physical attributes of a person and they thought a little deeper into it. That was nice to hear, because from our learnings we have talked about how culture and diversity is so much deeper than what is seen on the outside that is just the surface of it. Thanks for sharing.
